Brian W. Strickland, P.E., P.L.S. - Strickland Engineering


Brian is responsible for civil engineering and surveying project management. He has experience in design of transportation, water distribution system modeling, water main design, sanitary sewer collection, site development, and other municipal projects. Brian joined Strickland Engineering in January 1999 after spending four years on staff at the City of Cape Girardeau


B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering University of Missouri at Columbia,
Columbia, Missouri. 1994.
Post-baccalaureate study Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
Carbondale, Illinois. 1995-1996.


Professional Engineer, Missouri
Professional Land Surveyor, Missouri


Member of the National Society of Professional Engineers
Member of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Member of American Consulting Engineers Council
Member of Consulting Engineers Council of Missouri
Member of Southeast Missouri Area Engineer’s Club


TOTAL: 30 years
With Strickland: 26 years


Brian is married to his high school sweetheart, Cathy. They have 5 kids. Abby, Conner & Carter (twins), and Nathan & Nolan (twins).

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